A consultation on the future for wildlife in Cheshire has just launched.
For details, please visit:
The Local Nature Recovery Strategy is intended to provide a blueprint to help wildlife thrive, improve our ecological network, but also target where investment in nature could help us adapt to climate change or improve the quality of the local environment, for people and the economy.
As many views as possible are sought about what matters and what a Local Nature Strategy of Cheshire and Warrington needs to achieve to help nature.
We would be very grateful if you could help us by promoting this opportunity so people in your Town/Parish can have their say. There’s an opportunity for individuals and organisations to also pledge action they are prepared to take, so we have a full picture of action being taken by everyone, so not limited to landowners, Local Authorities or NGOs like Cheshire Wildlife Trust.
We are also asking landowners to put areas forward where they could be interested in attracting investment in helping nature to recover, through a call for sites.
After this consultation there will be rounds of online and in person workshops across Cheshire and Warrington to confirm the priorities, targets and agree ways we can work together, across the Local Nature Partnership, with other organisations, landowners and individuals to support nature’s recovery over the next 10 years.