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Finance, Budget and Expenditure

The Precept

Cranage Parish Council raises money by precept (a mandatory demand) on Cheshire East Council. The precept required is then collected by the Borough Council as part of the council tax levied on council tax payers in the parish. Cranage Parish Council can only spend, raise or use money if it has a statutory power to do so - it has a wide range of powers under different acts of Parliament, most of which are discretionary.

The Parish Council receives the majority of its income in this way - the precept is set by the parish council each November, when the Parish Council approves an annual budget detailing our spending for coming year, starting 1 April.

The precept for 2024/25 is £22,500 which is £32.93 for a current Band D Council tax property.


Annual Review of Accounts and Assets

The Parish Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances. The Council’s finances are monitored on a day to day basis by the Responsible Financial Officer (Parish Clerk). The Council appoints an internal auditor who assesses the Council’s compliance with relevant legislation. and a further audit is carried out by an external auditor appointed by the Audit Commission.

The Council prepares an Annual Accounting statement which is externally audited. This summarises the Council’s income and expenditure for the year and includes statements from the Council’s internal auditor

Smaller authorities are required to provide electors with the opportunity to inspect the accounts and other documents for a period of 30 working days which must include the first 10 working days of July.

The Responsible Financial Officer must on behalf of the smaller authority ensure the following:

  • The period for the exercise of public rights commences as soon as reasonably practicable after the date the Accounting Statements is approved:

  • The Commencement of the period for the exercise of public right takes place on such a day that the period will include the first 10 working days of July:

  • The auditor is notified of the date on which the period was commenced.

CIL Monies

View the folder for publication of CIL spending annual reports.

Supporting Documents

The Parish Council's internal processes for the management of risk including finances can be viewed in the Policies section of this website.

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